According to a survey conducted by FOI, the rate of hunger in PAUD level schools reaches 30-50%. A hungry stomach can result in decreased concentration of students while studying. In addition, have the possibility of having difficulty receiving good lessons. This hunger causes feelings of laziness, weakness, lethargy, more emotionality, anxiety, and anemia. This certainly interferes with the teaching and learning process in schools, the lessons cannot be absorbed perfectly. This hunger usually occurs because of poverty, lack of knowledge, and busy parents.
What We Do
We help save the excess food from being wasted by selecting (quality control), storing and managing (warehousing) and distributing them to the people in need, especially children and elderly.
To achieve our mission, we are developing social programs such as Sayap dari Ibu (SADARI), Mentari Bangsaku, Dapur Pangan FOI, Lumpang Kita and RED FOI (Response on Emergency and Disaster)
Our Programs
Through our synergistic programs, Foodbank of Indonesia strives to make Indonesia independent 100% from hunger.
Qurban Hingga Pelosok
Qurban Hingga Pelosok merupakan program tahunan Foodbank of Indonesia dalam menyalurkan hewan qurban ke daerah pelosok pada saat momentum Hari
PJP-Peta Jalan Pangan
Platform yang membantu konsumen untuk menemukan sumber pangan lokal yang aman di sekitarnya dan sebagai wadah untuk membantu pedagang dalam
KEPAK – Kebun Pangan Komunitas
Berupaya dalam menciptakan ketahanan pangan secara mandiri di level komunitas.
Our Lead Partners
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